Dead Physicists Society

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Here you can find the Dead Physicists Society minipapers! Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the DPS Undegraduate Seminars are suspended for an undeterminate period of time. In compensation, we have started a “MiniJournal”, so the students at IFUSP can still exchange knowledge while they are at the safety of their homes. If you want to publish a minipaper in here, please contact us by sending an e-mail to Minipapers can be written in either Portuguese or English. You can access the folder with all the previous minipapers by clicking this link.

Princípios de Cálculo Aplicado à Física

Resumo: Este texto, criado por alunos do IFUSP, tem como objetivo auxiliar ingressantes a se acostumarem com as bases do Cálculo Diferencial, em especial com suas aplicações em Física. É comum ter problemas com tais conceitos no início do curso e esperamos que o texto ajude a criar uma base sólida, pois ela será de grande importância para entender conceitos futuros, tanto de Física quanto de Matemática.

Autores: João Pedro Boechat Guimarães (IFUSP), Leandro Souza Nowacki (IFUSP) e Pedro Henrique Trajano Lemos Tredezini (DFMA-IFUSP).

Résumés: João Pedro Boechat ingressou no Bacharelado em Física no IFUSP em 2019 e está interessado em relatividade e cálculo tensorial. Leandro Nowacki ingressou no Bacharelado em Física no IFUSP em 2019 e atualmente está interessado em teoria de vibrações e hidrodinâmica. Pedro Henrique Tredezini ingressou no Bacharelado em Física no IFUSP em 2018, e atualmente é um dos coordenadores da Dead Physicists Society. Está interessado em Física Teórica, particularmente em Física de Partículas, área do no qual é orientado pelo Prof. Enrico Bertuzzo (DFMA-IFUSP).

Clique aqui para o pdf!

A Brief Introduction to Classical Field Theory

Abstract: In this work, I present an introduction to classical field theory by exploring the limiting case of N coupled harmonic oscillators as N tends to infinity in order to obtain the equation of motion for a vibrating string. The Euler-Lagrange Equations for a collection of N three-dimensional fields are presented and, finally, Noether’s Theorem is proved, with the stress-energy tensor and the conservation of electric charge due to gauge invariance in QED being given as examples of application.

Author: Níckolas Alves (DFMA-IFUSP).

Résumé: Níckolas has started a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the Institute of Physics of the University of São Paulo (IFUSP) in 2017, where he has been organizing some extension events aiming mainly at the undergraduate students. He is currently interested in the study of Hyperbolic Differential Equations and develops undergraduate research in this topic, being advised by Prof. João Carlos Alves Barata (DFMA-IFUSP).

Click here for the pdf!